Willie Frank Bailey Memorial Scholarship - Commercial Construction, Residential Construction & Horticulture

Established in honor of the life of Willie Frank Bailey.

Eligibility Requirements:
In order to be eligible for the Willie Frank Bailey Memorial Scholarship, a student must:

  • Be a student at Gwinnett Technical College,
  • Have a minimum grade point average of 2.5 at Gwinnett Technical College.
  • Be enrolled or accepted into either the Environmental Horticulture or the Commercial/ Residential Construction Programs

Applications cannot be processed unless all required documentation is attached to the application at time of submittal.

Scholarship funds are to be used for tuition, books, and program supplies used solely for the benefit of the individual receiving the scholarship. Before funds will be disbursed, the Foundation office must receive a note of thanks from the recipient to the donor(s).

The Gwinnett Tech Foundation committee will select and notify the scholarship recipients.

If the recipient fails to enroll, withdraws from college, or does not maintain eligibility requirements, the Gwinnett Tech Foundation will select another student if time permits; otherwise, funds will be held in the donor’s account to be carried over to the next semester.

Commercial Construction, Residential Construction & Horticulture